CPNS Mahkamah Agung RI 2012
Calon Panitera Pengganti (CPP)
- Calon Panitera Pengganti (CPP) in the General Courts and State Administrative Court (TUN) - A graduate degree (S-1) Faculty of Law
- Calon Panitera Pengganti (CPP) in the Religious Courts - A graduate degree (S-1) from Sharia Faculty or Law Faculty that controls Islamic laws (Ahwal Syakhshyiah, Comparison of Mazhab and the Law, Jinayah Siyasa, Mualamah, Legal Studies)
Calon Jurusita (CJS)
- Calon Jurusita (CJS) in the General Courts and State Administrative Court (TUN) - A graduate degree (S-1) Faculty of Law
- Calon Jurusita (CJS) in the Religious Courts - A graduate degree (S-1) from Sharia Faculty or Law Faculty that controls Islamic laws (Ahwal Syakhshyiah, Comparison of Mazhab and the Law, Jinayah Siyasa, Mualamah, Legal Studies)
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