PT PLN (Persero), With vision to be an ever-growing, excellent and credible World Class Company supported by competent human resources, PT PLN (Persero) currently looking for qualified candidates for following positions:
Bachelor (S1)/ Diploma 4 Degree
ES (Assistant Engineer in the field of Electric Power System)
- Carry out planning, control of power systems, the calculation of steady state power system analysis and / or understanding of energy management and use of ProSym
- Mechanical Electrical Energy, Electrical Engineering / Electrical Power Lines, Power Engineering
ED (Assistant Engineer in the field of Electric Power Distribution)
- Plan, supervise, manage the distribution network system, and / or operate / maintain distribution installations
- Mechanical Electrical Energy, Electrical Engineering / Electrical Power Lines, Power Engineering
EP (Assistant Engineer in the field of Power Plant)
- Plan, supervise, manage the maintenance / operation of generating units)
- Mechanical Electrical Energy, Electrical Engineering / Electrical Power Lines, Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Energy Conversion Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Mechatronics
PE (Assistant Engineer Construction / Maintenance in the field of plant, substation, Power Transmission and Distribution)
- Implement the draft concept design, engineering calculations, design details, technical specifications, engineering drawings, and / or develop project plans in accordance with the field construction work)
- Mechanical Electrical Energy, Electrical Engineering / Electrical Power Lines, Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Energy Conversion Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering
NG (Assistant Analyst in the Field of Commerce)
- Carry out the administrative process the customer, customer service, and / or marketing and sale of electricity.
- Industrial Engineering, Economic Development, Economics, Economics and Development Studies, Finance, Finance and Banking, Finance and Islamic Banking, Management, Financial Management, Financial Management and Banking, Financial Management and Taxation, Marketing Management, Marketing, Development Studies, Electrical Power Lines.
Diploma 3 Degree
TDT (Junior Engineer in the field of Electric Power Distribution)
- Plan, supervise, manage the distribution network system, and / or operate / maintain distribution installations.
Requirement :
- Electrical Energy Engineering, Electrical Engineering / Electrical Power Lines, Power Engineering
TPE (Junior Engineer Construction / Maintenance in the field of plant, substation, Power Transmission and Distribution)
- Implement the draft concept design, engineering calculations, design details, technical specifications, engineering drawings, and / or develop project plans in accordance with the field construction work.
Requirement :
- Electrical Energy Engineering, Electrical Engineering / Electrical Power Lines, Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Energy Conversion Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering
TSO (Junior Engineer in the field of Electric Power System Operation)
- Carry out planning, controlling electrical power systems, the calculation of steady state power system analysis and / or understanding of energy management and use of ProSym
Requirement :
- Electrical Energy Engineering, Electrical Engineering / Electrical Power Lines, Power Engineering
TSC (Junior Engineer / Junior Field Operator at SCADA)
- Carry out the work of installation, operation and maintenance of SCADA equipment and systems supporting
Requirement :
- Electronics and Instrumentation, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electronics Engineering and Telecommunications, Radio, Computer, Engineering Settings, Mechatronics
TPL (Junior Engineer in the field of Power Plant)
- Plan, supervise, manage the maintenance / operation of generating units
Requirement :
- Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Energy Engineering, Electrical Engineering / Electrical Power Lines, Power Engineering, Engineering Physics, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Automotive Engineering, Energy Conversion, Maintenance Mechanics, Mechatronics
PNG (Junior Analyst in the Commercial Power)
- Carry out the administrative process the customer, customer service, and / or marketing and sale of electricity
Requirement :
- Economic Development, Economics, Economics and Development Studies, Finance, Finance and Banking, Finance and Islamic Banking, Management, Financial Management, Financial Management and Banking, Finance and Taxation Management, Marketing Management, Marketing.
- Male
- Not married and willing to not get marry during the Diklat Prajabatan
- Born in 1986 or thereafter for S1/ D4 and born in 1988 or thereafter for D3
- Minimum GPA 2.75 for Engineer and 3.00 for Non-Engineer
- Minimum height 155 cms
- Maximum spectacled -4
For further detail job requirements and how to apply, please refer at link below.
Closing date : 20 - 29 February 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified .
READ MORE » Lowongan PLN Februari 2012 (UI Depok)